Cover Launches New Auto Insurance Service In Texas

We have some exciting news to share. Today, we officially begin selling our own auto insurance program in Texas. After three years operating as a national insurance brokerage offering a hassle-free way for drivers to find better coverage with other insurance companies, the next stage of our mission is to provide a program that we manage as well. By offering this insurance, we can now begin redesigning coverage in the same way that our app refined the process of buying insurance: providing a se

My Journey to Understanding the Hype Around the DivaCup

Do you remember having “the talk” with your parents? I sure do. And I only remember it because it wasn’t so much a talk and more like a “Here, read this,” my mom said as she flung a book about puberty at me. The book, by the way, was The Care of Keeping of You: The Body Book for Younger Girls from the American Girl company.